Legionella Analysis Available with 24 hours via PCR / DNA

Tampa, FL – According to Building Operating Management magazine, expert Victor Yu, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh; Chief, Infectious Disease Section, VA Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA disclosed that “Up to 70% of all buildings greater than three stories in the US may be contaminated with legionella.”

The good news, Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) has announced that a comprehensive

Legionella Analysis EDLab – Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory
Legionella analysis via PCR / DNA is now available with a 24 hour turnaround time, after receiving samples in the laboratory. EDLab has cutting edge molecular/DNA technology to help identify and minimize the risk of Legionella. Conventional culture method analytics of Legionella is excellent though it can take up to 10 days for samples to be confirmed.

The test is simple, requiring only a smaller volume (100-250 ml) of water sample in a collection container provided by EDLab. All instructions for the test and a pre-paid shipper are included with the order. Results are e-mailed to the customer within 24 hours of receipt of the sample in the laboratory. “This is an important test for assessing the exposure risk on individual’s health who may be or have been exposed to a home or building which is harboring Legionella,” states Dr Rajiv Sahay, Legionella AnalysisDirector of EDLab.


“Armed with this information, business owners, building managers and homeowners can determine whether their building is contaminated with Legionella or not within a few hours,” said Dr. Sahay. “It is a small price to pay for peace of mind.”

For more information on developing a proactive Legionella testing program for your buildings, call the Building Scientists at Pure Air Control Services, Inc. or go to: Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) a CDC ELITE laboratory.

Pure Air Control Services:

Pure Air Control Services, Inc. (Pure Air) is a nationally recognized indoor environmental quality firm that offers a full range of professional solutions. For more than 30 years, Pure Air has provided clients with complete Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) solutions. Divisions include Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab), Building Health Check, Diagnostics and Building Sciences, and Building Remediation Sciences. For more information, visit www.pureaircontrols.com.

About Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory:

The Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) at Pure Air Control Services offers complete and comprehensive indoor environmental microbiology laboratory services. They include: microbiology, aerobiology, chemistry, allergen assays and microscopy designed to meet all your indoor air needs. EDLab supports IAQ investigations by assisting with strategic sampling plan development and supplying media collection equipment while performing a wide range of environmental analyses.

Article Sourcehttp://pureaircontrols.com/legionella-analysis-avaialble-with-24-hours-via-pcr-dna/



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