The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services provides radon information for the public, including data on radon testing in public schools. Most of the state’s counties are in Zone 2, the USEPA classification, where predicted average indoor radon screening levels would be from 2 to 4 pCi/L. Eleven counties are in Zone 1, where predicted average indoor radon screening levels greater than 4 pCi/L, the recommended USEPA action level.
Interactive mapping of radon testing in public schools allows filtering by county and school name in order to zoom to results or statewide data can be viewed of all counties and districts. Selections include public schools and districts tested. Map background may be chosen.
Tabular data breaks out data per the school year (August through May). The data are available from the department’s Bureau of Environmental Epidemiology, Indoor Air Quality Database.
For the school year 2013-2014, elevated levels of radon were reported in 13.79% of the 145 structures tested. The number of school districts tested was 28, with 107 schools being tested. Classrooms tested equaled 3050 and of those 82 had elevated results. The estimated number of people potentially exposed, which includes students, teachers and others, was 114,402. During the school year 2014-2015 the number of potentially exposed dropped to 91,962.
For more information about radon in Missouri, contact:
Bureau of Environmental Epidemiology
Telephone: 573-751-6102 or (toll-free) 866-628-9891
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