In a Marina Del Rey home, mold was found growing on this leather coat.  The extent of damage was not noticed until the mold inspector assessed the moisture content of the building materials, moisture testing.  This process, used by mold inspectors and environmental hygienists, aids in discovering where water damage and possible mold may grow.  Unknown damage caused by water, infiltrated nearby rooms and closets within the home, traveling under the wood floor.

In the photo above, mold has begun to grow on the sleeve of the leather jacket.   Barely touching the floor within the closet, moisture was discovered in the carpet and padding.  Visible mold growth (green and white dots) were discovered on articles of clothing, shoes, and other objects within the closet by the mold inspector.

With the correct conditions, mold will grow on almost any type of material.  This leather jacket is a substantial food source for mold to inhabit during water damage conditions.  With increased time, molds would begin growing on and digesting the leather.  By natural decomposition, the molds would eat through the leather and ultimately ruin this jacket forever.

It looks like these shoes in the photo (right) have tread on better days.  Mold has impacted the shoes to such a degree that they should now be discarded in the trash.

Clothes with trace amounts of mold may be laundered.  It may take several times to clean the clothes to erase semi-permanent stains left by the mold.  In each instance, clothing with mold should be evaluated to determine if cleaning has been successful.  In most cases, clothing and other porous materials are thrown away.




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