National Indoor Plant Week: 5 green companions to keep you company

Sometimes life’s easier when you’ve got something to take care of, and house plants make finding that something a whole lot easier.

Owning house plants can help improve one’s mood by providing something low-effort to keep track of. Furthermore, owning houseplants contributes to improving indoor air quality and fighting climate change.

In honor of National Indoor Plant Week, here are a few green companions that could keep you company.


Known for their low upkeep and small stature, succulents might just be the national plant of colleges across the country.

Succulents are a form of cactus evolved to retain large amounts of water over a long period of time. This makes them especially easy to care for, as they do not go dry very easily.

Succulents can also be practical, like the aloe plant of Aloe Vera fame.


Maybe you like plants but dislike their aesthetic. In that case, bamboo shoots are a perfect alternative.

Bamboo’s aesthetic deviates from traditional plant aesthetics but in a good way. Instead of copious amounts of leaves or spines, the average bamboo shoot consists of a single, upward growing rod. This makes this plant perfect for minimalists.

Bamboo is also an incredibly low-effort plant to maintain. The amount of water they need varies by size, but most don’t need to be watered but once every two weeks.

Money Tree

However, maybe you do like the plant aesthetic. Trees are great, but most are too large to grow in someone’s home. This is not the case with money trees.

The money tree is a form of nut tree from Central and South America. Although they’re called trees, most are small enough to fit comfortably on a two-person coffee table. They still look like full-grown trees though, so they’re perfect for the arborist who’s short on space.

They also require a minimal amount of water and fertilizer, and any extra effort is with it for the plant’s natural aesthetic.

Bonsai Tree

To go one step further, perhaps you really like natural aesthetics. In that case, the bonsai tree is all aesthetic all the time.

Bonsai trees arrived in America as a Japanese art form where they are built from the ground up by their owner. Once the tree grows to a proper size, the owner can trim its branches in whatever way he or she wants, creating their own aesthetic.

This all means that bonsai trees are higher-effort than most other indoor plants. If you have extra time on your hands, however, bonsai trees are both relaxing and fulfilling.

Fresh Spices

If you prefer your plants to have practical uses, you can do no better than growing fresh spices. Many of your favorite meal additives can be grown right in your dorm.

Garden sage, rosemary, chives, mint, basil, oregano and parsley are only some of the tasty things you can grow on your windowsill.

They freshen both your air and your meals.

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