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Online Registration Now Open for the 8th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair


San Fernanado Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair 2015 Granada Hills. CAOnline registration for the 8th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair (the largest in Los Angeles) opened on July 1, 2015. Please don’t be misled by the Valley in our name—everyone is invited to attend. Mother Nature pays no attention to our boundaries. By registering online, Fairgoers who bring their printed voucher to the Express Check-In Lane at the Fair will receive a token exchangeable at the Fair for one Family Emergency Preparedness (EP) Starter Kit (1 per family while supplies last). Online registrants will also receive Fair updates, directions, a site map, plus a free gift when they check in at the Fair.

Please encourage your stakeholders, family, and friends to register and attend! Everything at the Fair is free, thanks to our generous supporters and contributors, including many Neighborhood Councils throughout Los Angeles.

The emailed Welcome Letter that registrants receive will include information about the registrant’s Council District and Neighborhood Council specific to the address provided during the registration process. If your NC is one that has not yet submitted a short message (150-200 words) to your stakeholders for us to include in the Welcome Letter, please do so now. (Thank you to the NCs who have already submitted their outreach messages.) This is a valuable opportunity to communicate with your stakeholders, to let them know what you are doing for your community, and to encourage them to get involved. Please email your message to Bill Hopkins (Bill.Hopkins@SoCalPrep.us) right away.

For more details, or if your NC would like to host an Outreach booth at the Fair, send an email to Info@ValleyDisasterFair.com. Don’t miss this great opportunity to communicate with your stakeholders.

Thank you for helping all our stakeholders get prepared for disasters.

The 8th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair will take place on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Fire Station 87 in Granada Hills. Visit www.ValleyDisasterFair.com for more information and online registration. A Save The Date flyer can be downloaded here.

Online Registration Now Open for the 8th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair



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