Would you like to train employees in water sampling for Legionella?


Legionella pneumophila causes up to 85 percent of the reported cases of Legionnaire’s disease.  It can be extremely challenging for an industrial hygienist to pinpoint and identify the source of this organism.  According to the CDC, 8,000 to 18,000 cases are estimated to be cause by Legionella per year.  Most of the cases reported are sporadic and nosocomial infections.


Aerobiology has developed a partnership with HC Info, so that you may receive a special discount on HC Info’s new online training program, “Sampling Water Systems to Validate Legionella Control.”


This discount will be offered until July 15, 2015!


Course 403 is a quick and low-cost way to thoroughly train employees to properly collect samples and record data.


By taking the entire series (Courses 401-404) individuals will also learn how to design a sampling program (equipment to sample, number of samples, frequency of sampling) and interpret test results.


To get the Aerobiology 10% discount, enter this code in the shopping cart: 400Aerobiology0715


Please use this discount code for any number of your employees.


If you are a LAMPS subscriber, you can use your 25% LAMPS discount AND the Aerobiology 10% discount.


To take advantage of the offer, you need only to register for the training by July 15. You have a full 12 months to complete the training. You can go through the courses at your own pace, stopping and picking up where you left off.


To begin registering now, click here.



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