The Ontario Geothermal Association (OGA) applauded the announcement by Chris Ballard, Ontario’s minister of environment and climate change, about a new program of financial support for Ontario households interested in improving their energy efficiency and lowering the carbon footprint of their homes.
The Low Carbon Technology Incentives program is designed to encourage homeowners to invest in building envelope and HVAC upgrades. The primary focus will be on existing detached, semi-detached, and row town houses with rebate values covering 50-75 percent of the installed costs.
Contractor registration for the program will be administered by the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) and will build upon the SaveONenergy contractor database and management processes, which are managed on behalf of Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). There will be specific training and certification requirements for registered contractors.
“We are very pleased with the Ontario government’s commitment to combatting climate change through investments in low-carbon heating and cooling technologies,” said Jim Bolger, OGA chair and president of Waterloo Energy Products, Maryhill, Ontario. “Geothermal heat pump systems are the most energy efficient way to heat and cool homes and buildings and, in jurisdictions like Ontario, where electricity is mostly generated without burning hydrocarbon fuels, it also represents a significant way for Ontarians to reduce their carbon footprint. This technology, in conjunction with investments in home insulation and air sealing, will not only lower energy bills and minimize greenhouse gas emissions, but it will also improve the indoor comfort of homes.”
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