How to Deal With Your Damaged Skylights

How to Deal With Your Damaged Skylights

Everyone loves sunlight. It helps your home evoke a better mood. However, it cannot be sunny all year round. When the rainy season sets in, you must accept the fact that your home cannot always be in a good condition. All homes are susceptible to damages such as water leaks as the weather changes. Skylights, for instance. Though they add appeal and elegance to the overall aesthetic of your home, they are prone to weather-incurred damages. So if you happen to notice that your skylights are not functioning like they had in the past, you must act immediately.

The moment you find out that your skylights have stains caused by possible water leaks, here are some of the actions you can take.

•    Identify Where the Leak Is Coming From

It’s hard to notice that your skylight had already been suffering from excessive condensation.  It is often caused by water dripping from the leaks in your roof. If you don’t have any specialized knowledge about this and you are not confident of your skills, try contacting a professional that can do the inspections for you.

•    It Is Not Sealed Properly

Skylights, if not correctly sealed, can lead to water leaking inside your home. Use specific sealants that can seal any cracks on your skylights. There are many types of sealants available in the market, do ask an expert for some advice. Also, you can try researching for tips on the Internet to help you pick the best.

•    Double Check Your Flashings

Double check the flashing around your skylight. Perhaps, the material that stops the water from leaking between your shingles and skylights are already damaged. If so, replace it immediately.

•    Your Skylights are Broken

It’s easy to notice a broken skylights. You don’t need to be an expert to know that this kind of issue has no other solution than a total replacement.

•    Roofing Issues

If your skylights are exquisite and sealed correctly in its place and the flashings are okay, but there are still leaks, then you might need to check your roof for some issues.

You have two (2) options when dealing with your roof issues. One, you can replace it with a new one, or you can repair it.

Dealing with damaged skylights is easy and will keep you out trouble if you take action immediately.  

With the simple tips listed above, it can help you save your property and your pocket from further hassles! If you still have no idea where to start or you don’t have time to do it yourself, you can hire professionals to help you with your skylight and roofing problems. With the experts, rest assured that the job can be completed immediately and efficiently.  

To relieve yourself from the stress of this property problem, seek help from Fun Guy Inspections and Consulting, LLC. We can help you fix your damaged skylights and more. For more information, visit our website: or contact us today to book an appointment: (866) 674-7541.



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