Heavy Rains and Hurricanes Clear a Path for Supercharged Mold

Anyone east of the Rockies will tell you this has been a wet year. It wasn’t just that Hurricanes Florence and Michael soaked parts of the South. It wasn’t just that this year’s drenching storms were numerous and tracked unusually far north (one, Alberto, made a...

Buying a New Home? Make Sure it’s Mold-Free

Everybody would ask for a perfect home – a dream home which can be a perfect place for you and your family. It must be sanctuary that is safe and comfortable. With that being said, no one wants to buy a house with a mold problem. So, if you’re looking and...

The common reasons of Bathroom Mold

Mold is very common to found in bathroom. The main reason of this is, there’s a lot of water and humidity. That’s why bathroom’s wall and floor getting mold day by day. There is multi way in a bathroom where water can run frequently, such as basin, the bathtub and the...