Testing finds more mold at Homestead


Air quality testing at Homestead Elementary found one additional classroom in need of mold remediation. The remainder of the building, including the cottage where black mold was previously found, had no black mold spores.

A press release from the Cumberland County School System received Tuesday said indoor air quality testing found a trace level of black mold spores in room 105. 

“We feel that any amount of black mold should be eliminated from our classrooms and will therefore have classroom 105 cleaned and sanitized by a professional mold remediation company immediately,” the release states. 

Students will meet in an alternate location until the room is thoroughly cleaned and retesting shows no trace of black mold spores. 

The classroom is located in the portion of the building built in 2003.

Room 304, located in one of the 1930s cottages, is back in use after testing showed no further evidence of black mold. 

The school system conducted indoor air quality testings in a few rooms where the HVAC systems had been replaced over the summer. Air samples were taken Jan. 27. When results came back Feb. 6 and showed a small amount of black mold spores, a mold remediation company was called to thoroughly clean the room and the rest of the school was scheduled for air quality tests. 

Cost for cleaning room 304 was $2,920.02, with expanded air quality testing costing $6,600. 

Parents and faculty were notified of the results of the tests. 

Article Source: https://www.crossville-chronicle.com/news/local_news/testing-finds-more-mold-at-homestead/article_24b42630-540e-11ea-9e7c-0725e5a47090.html



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