Trees Exploding with Pollen? What’s in Your Air

Tampa, FL —  Pollen grains trigger allergenic reactions in tens of millions of people worldwide annually. Common symptoms of these allergies include, but are not limited to, asthma, rhinitis, hay fever, watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, increased mucous, headaches, etc. Inhalation and contact are the most frequent means of exposure. Nose, nasal passage, mouth, eyes, and skin are primary sites that witness allergenic reactions. Pollen grains are fine, dust-like, biological particulates that may be yellow, white or other shades. Technically speaking, they are male reproductive units of flowering plants.

A number of methods are known for pollen transportation from plant to plant such as wind, insects, birds, other animals and water. Out of these methods, air dispersal of pollen grains is exceedingly important for allergy suffers. Diversity and density of these grains in air are highly variable and may be correlated with floristic composition, seasonality and other prevailing meteorological conditions in and around that specific place.

However, spring, summer and fall have been identified as distinct allergy seasons. Allergy symptoms may vary depending on an individual’s susceptibility apart from seasonality. It has been observed that geographical areas with hot, dry and windy days are more suitable for higher concentrations of pollen grains in air compared to others.

In absence of well-defined, universal therapeutics for pollen allergy, management and treatments for such ailments are important. Pollen season, ambient pollen load, pollen distribution patterns, as well as pollen release time are significant for clinical manifestation. To avoid the allergy symptoms due to seasonal pollen sprees, it is a good idea to know and understand the pollen counts e.g. Allergy & Asthma Alert -AAA in your surroundings.

Pollen allergy sufferers may consider collecting air and surface samples using Do-It-Yourself screen tests and with the help of a laboratory evaluation on the collected samples. This provides valuable information for their treatment options, which can be determined by an allergist/medical practitioner, choosing the best and right option in specific cases, including immunotherapy.


Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab):

Alan Wozniak founded Pure Air Control Services, Inc. in 1984 as a small, mechanical, contracting firm and has since set the industry standard for indoor environmental quality diagnosis, environmental laboratory and remediation. Pure Air Control Services has serviced more than 600 million square feet of indoor environments in over 10,000 facilities.

The Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) (established in 1992) at Pure Air Control Services (PACS) is an environmental lab offering complete and comprehensive indoor environmental microbiology laboratory services. They include: microbiology, aerobiology, chemistry, allergen assays and microscopy designed to meet all your indoor air needs. EDLab supports IAQ investigations by assisting with strategic sampling plan development and supplying media collection equipment while performing a wide range of environmental analyses.

The company’s expanding client roster includes the General Services Administration (GSA); US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Allstate Insurance; Carrier Air Conditioning; US Naval Air Warfare Center, Orlando; and Naval Air Station – King’s Bay, Georgia, and many other Fortune 500 companies, school boards, and city, state, and county governments, making Pure Air Control Services/EDLab the reliable industry leader in IAQ.

For more information on EDLab at Pure Air Services, Inc. please contact Dr. Rajiv Sahay, CIAQP, FIAS, at (800) 422-7873 x 304, or visit

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