Mold-Proofing Your Basement

Let’s face it. Basements are the last thing on our minds amidst the chaos of our daily lives and busy schedules. For many of us, the basement is a catch-all for storage and old relics, rarely considered until a telltale musty smell or damp patch reminds us of its...

Insurance and Mold Damage: What’s Covered and What’s Not

What’s your first thought when you spot unsightly mold patches on your wall or ceiling? It’s probably to contact a mold removal and remediation company. But are you prepared for the hefty repair and remediation bills? Before you dig deep holes into your pockets,...

Legal Recourse for Mold Damage in Rental Properties

You get a call from your tenant, their voice laced with concern. They have discovered mold in their rental unit.  Your mind races with questions.  Is it a minor, manageable issue or a full-blown nightmare?  Who’s responsible for mold damage?  Could this lead to...

Mold in The Gym: A Serious Threat to Your Health

The familiar scent of a gym, a mix of sweat and exertion, might seem harmless. However, recent studies revealed a shocking truth: the average gym equipment can harbor more germs than a public toilet seat. Even more concerning is the hidden threat that lurks within...

Clearance Testing for Mold in Your Building

Clearance Testing for Mold in Your Building If you suspect a water intrusion issue in a building you own or manage, it’s important to get clearance testing for mold. This process is a part of creating a safe work environment for staff and visitors to a building. It...