Heavy Rains and Hurricanes Clear a Path for Supercharged Mold

Anyone east of the Rockies will tell you this has been a wet year. It wasn’t just that Hurricanes Florence and Michael soaked parts of the South. It wasn’t just that this year’s drenching storms were numerous and tracked unusually far north (one, Alberto, made a...

Your Kitchen and Mold

Kitchen Mold Removal Are you concerned that black mold could be lurking in your kitchen, perhaps hiding in the cupboards? Not only is it unattractive, it can also cause respiratory problems for your family. The following guide can help you locate, prevent and destroy...

The Truth about Mold: Preventing Summertime Risks and Beyond

Mold is a common household nuisance and is found both inside and outside in varying amounts. For some people, mold and its spores cause very few problems, while for others it can be devastating—even life threatening. In the U.S., there are over two million children...

Messy Offices Expose Workers To Harmful Bacteria

  A new survey has found office workers who don’t clean up their workspace put everyone’s health at risk, according to an article on the TechTimes website. Printerland, a reseller of printers in the UK, surveyed more than 1,000 office workers and...