water damage in a gym

Have you recently experienced a flood, burst pipe, or leaking roof? You don’t want to leave that unchecked for long. At FunGuy Inspections, we understand the havoc that water damage can wreak on your property and personal health. A seemingly small leak can quickly escalate into a major issue, causing structural damage and mold growth.

That’s why we offer comprehensive water damage inspection services to identify, assess, and mitigate water-related issues effectively.

Water Contamination Categories

Before we dive into our inspection process, it’s important to understand the different categories of water damage, classified based on the level of contamination.

Category 1: Clean Water (Minimal Threat)

This type of water poses minimal health risks. It typically originates from broken pipes with clean water, appliance overflows, or melted ice.

Category 2: Grey Water (Significant Contamination)

Grey water contains organic contaminants and can cause illness if ingested. Sources of grey water damage include dishwasher or washing machine overflows, toilet overflows with clean water in the bowl, and seepage from aquariums or waterbeds.

Category 3: Black Water (Severe Contamination)

Black water poses a serious health risk as it contains sewage, floodwater, or water contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens.

Classes of Water Damage

In conjunction with the water contamination categories, we use the concept of water damage classes to determine the severity of the issue. These classes include:

Class 1: Limited Affected Area

This class involves minimal water absorption. The water affects only a small area with low-permeability materials like concrete or plywood.

Class 2: Porous Materials Affected

This class signifies a more extensive spread of water soaking carpets, cushions, and potentially reaching walls and sub-floors.

Class 3: Saturated Materials

This class typically involves water from overhead sources like broken sprinklers, saturating walls, ceilings, insulation, and floorboards.

Class 4: Special Drying Situations

Class 4 encompasses situations where water has had extended contact with highly absorbent materials like concrete, brick, or hardwood, requiring specialized drying techniques.

Our Approach

Our water damage inspection process is thorough, systematic, and backed by years of expertise in the field. Here’s how we approach every inspection:

Visual Inspection

We start by visually examining your property, both indoors and outdoors, to identify any visible signs of water damage. Our certified inspectors are trained to spot subtle indicators such as water stains, peeling paint, warped flooring, and musty odors.

Moisture Detection

We use advanced moisture detection tools such as moisture meters and infrared cameras to locate hidden pockets of moisture within walls, ceilings, floors, and other structural components. This way, we detect moisture before it snowballs into more serious issues like mold growth and structural deterioration.

Mold Testing

In cases where we suspect mold growth, we collect air and surface samples to undergo laboratory testing. This process helps us ascertain the presence of mold spores and evaluate the quality of indoor air. Our mold testing procedures adhere to industry standards and guidelines to ensure accuracy and reliability.


Throughout the inspection process, we meticulously document our findings, including photographs, moisture readings, and detailed notes. This documentation acts as a crucial reference for our clients, insurance claims, and remediation efforts.

Detailed Inspection Report

Following the inspection, we will send you a comprehensive report outlining our findings. This report will include:

  • Detailed description of identified water damage
  • Location and source of the leak
  • Moisture meter readings and thermal imaging results (with accompanying photos)
  • Recommendations for repairs and remediation

Areas of Inspection

Our water damage inspection goes beyond visible signs. We meticulously inspect a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:

  • Basements and crawl spaces
  • Attics and roof structures
  • Walls, ceilings, and floors
  • Plumbing systems and fixtures
  • Exterior drainage and landscaping
  • HVAC systems and ductwork
  • Windows, doors, and seals

Why Choose FunGuy Inspections for Your Water Damage Inspection?

When you choose FunGuy Inspections for your water damage inspection needs, you can expect:

Experienced and Certified Inspectors

Our inspectors are highly trained and certified professionals with extensive experience in water damage assessment. They possess a keen eye for detail and utilize advanced moisture detection equipment to uncover even hidden leaks.

Advanced Moisture Detection Tools

We leverage state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology, including infrared cameras, moisture meters, and air quality testing devices, to ensure thorough and precise inspections. Our tools enable us to detect hidden moisture, assess the extent of damage, and identify potential mold growth with unmatched accuracy.

Comprehensive Approach

We leave no stone unturned in our mission to identify and mitigate water-related issues. Our thorough and systematic water damage inspection process covers all aspects of your property, from visible signs to hidden moisture pockets behind walls and ceilings.

Transparent Communication

We believe in open and transparent communication with our clients throughout the inspection process. We keep you informed every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the final report delivery. We explain our findings, answer your questions, and provide expert guidance on the best course of action.

Timely Service

We understand the urgency of addressing water damage issues promptly to prevent further damage and minimize disruption to your life. That’s why we strive to deliver timely inspection services and provide fast turnaround on inspection reports.

Peace of Mind

With FunGuy Inspections on your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that your property is in capable hands. Our commitment to excellence, professionalism, and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive the highest quality service and results that exceed your expectations.

When to Schedule a Water Damage Inspection

Don’t wait for extensive damage to become evident before scheduling an inspection. Here are some signs that may indicate water damage:

  • Visible Water Stains: Discoloration or streaks on ceilings, walls, or floors can be a telltale sign of a leak.
  • Musty Odors: A persistent musty smell often indicates mold growth, which can thrive in damp environments.
  • Peeling Paint or Wallpaper: Water damage can cause paint and wallpaper to buckle or peel.
  • Warped Floors or Doors: Water can cause warping and uneven surfaces in floors and doors.
  • Cracked Foundation: Water damage can weaken the foundation of your property, leading to cracks.

Protect Your Property with FunGuy Inspections

A professional water damage inspection from FunGuy Inspections can save you time, money, and stress. Trust our experts to conduct a thorough water damage inspection and provide you with the insights and recommendations you need to protect your investment. Contact us today to schedule an inspection or to learn more about our services.