Five Tips To Improve Indoor Air Quality

There’s a great story about an Air Force general and his facility manager. When being presented with a PowerPoint about some facility issues, the general stated the following: You’re air to me. I need you to be there, but I don’t want to see you or think about you. I...

Protect Yourself from Allergens, Mildew, and Mold in Your Home

No matter what time of year it may be, or how clean you keep your home, there can be a hidden danger, lurking, waiting to strike.  It can be growing right now, as we speak, threatening to cause health problems for you and your family.  It’s pervasive, invasive, and...

Be Alert: Signs of Toxic Molds Residing in your Home

At the end of the day, after work or school, we always look forward to coming home again. Our minds and hearts are attached to our homes because of the sense of belonging, comfort, and safety that it provides. Feeling safe is the state of not being exposed to danger...