Amid muck and mold, tackling a Texas-sized cleanup after Harvey

In Kashmere Gardens, a historically black neighborhood and one of this city’s poorest, the floodwaters have receded, but sorrow is on full display in the piles that line the street. Heaps of soggy carpet padding. Chunks of drywall. Splintered boards, broken dressers...

Is that black mold on your t-shirt?

Is that black mold on your t-shirt? Moldy t-shirts and clothing are normally . . . cleaned when contaminated with mold.  Putting a slightly different twist on this new story that incorporates mold and bacteria as a substitute dye used for clothing. This leads us to...

Mold in Breast Implants

More than 300,000 women get breast implants every year in the U.S. A Shalimar, Florida, woman has a warning for them. She says her implants nearly killed her. You may have seen some of the articles popping up on Facebook and various websites, linking mold in saline...

Mold Growing on my Shoes in a home located in Valencia, CA 2014

In a Marina Del Rey home, mold was found growing on this leather coat.  The extent of damage was not noticed until the mold inspector assessed the moisture content of the building materials, moisture testing.  This process, used by mold inspectors and environmental...